Nurse Life

Nurses, PPE, and the Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Nurses, PPE, and the Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Confused about isolation precautions and PPE needed to safely care for coronavirus patients? In this post, Kati Kleber, MSN RN CCRN-K outlines the latest CDC and WHO recommendations as of March 19, 2020.

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Side Businesses for Nurses: Ideas to Supplement Your Income

Side Businesses for Nurses: Ideas to Supplement Your Income

Have you ever thought of starting a nurse side business? As jobs at the bedside become more and more draining, many nurses are looking for a way to supplement their income so they can work less hours at the hospital. For many, the perfect nurse-balance is split between time with patients in the hospital and time doing something they own and run themselves.

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Gifts For Nurses: 15+ Gifts for Every Occasion

Gifts For Nurses: 15+ Gifts for Every Occasion

What are the perfect gifts for nurses? This list is everything you need to know about finding a thoughtful gift he or she will really love. Are you a nurse or a nursing student? Treat yourself to something on this list!

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Online Continuing Education for Nurses

Online Continuing Education for Nurses

As a nurse staying up to date on your continuing education is important. But there are often so many options that it can be hard to decide what is the best course of action. This post discusses continuing education for nurses so you can make the best decision for you.

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Best Tall Scrubs for Women

Best Tall Scrubs for Women

I’m a tall woman. At almost 6 feet tall, I often find it challenging to find scrub tops that fit correctly. And I know I am not alone in this. So I decided to put together a list of the best tall scrubs for women.

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Nurses Make Mistakes

Nurses Make Mistakes

Yes, nurses do make mistakes. Nurses have consistently been ranked the most trustworthy profession year after year, which leads people to ask "Do...

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A Day in the Life of a Travel Nurse

A Day in the Life of a Travel Nurse

Being a travel nurse is not easy. It is not for everyone. You move around a lot, have a harder time forming real relationships, and you may not always know what you are walking into. Wanderly helps take all the guesswork out of being a travel nurse. Let’s look at a day in the life of a travel nurse.

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What Happened to Nurse Eye Roll®?

What Happened to Nurse Eye Roll®?

As some of you may know, my anonymous online nurse persona used to be Nurse Eye Roll. Alas, that is no longer the case. I wanted to write a blog post to answer the question I receive frequently: what happened to Nurse Eye Roll?

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The Power of Embracing Nurse Discomfort

The Power of Embracing Nurse Discomfort

Many nurses are not fully engaged and present when dealing with patients. But nurse discomfort can be a potent tool, enhancing the patient experience, particularly during an emotionally-charged interaction.

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