• Everyone needs a cardiac basics brush-up.
  • Reading ECC’s is just the tip of the iceberg.
  • Sudden cardiac changes are scary at first, so anything done to ease the shock-factor facilitates learning.

Whether it’s through 10+ years of articles, courses, podcasts, emails, or events, my #1 priority is to help you feel confident and prepared at the bedside on a cardiac unit.

Kati Kleber MSN RN CCRN K headshot square Kati Kleber, MSN, RN

If you’re about to start cardiac clinicals or have just landed a staff nurse job on a cardiology floor or intensive care unit, we’ve got you covered with what you’ll need to know, the right questions to ask, and what to expect, so that you can lean into authentic learning immediately.

While your textbooks from nursing school and your preceptor are supposed to be what prepare you, here at FreshRN, we know that’s not reality. You passed your cardiac exams months (or years) ago. Your hospital will assume you remember all of that cardiac nursing knowledge and will focus on training you on what to do, not why you’re doing it.

Also, factor in the natural urge to want to appear smart and capable as the new kid on the block. Out of an understandable desire to save face, we often don’t ask important questions. Because of these factors, crucial information is glossed over. The resources below are meant to help clear that up and give you the confidence and clarity as a nurse on a cardiology unit!

Cardiac Assessment Pic

Cardiac Freebies

ECG Cheat Sheet

ECG Interpretation Cheat Sheet

14-Page Download

Atrial Fib

How to Handle AFIB with RVR

4-Lesson Mini-Course


Code STEMI Guide

18-Page Download

Comprehensive Cardiac Courses

Telemetry Basics Brush-Up

Telemetry Basics Brush-Up

ECG Rhythm Master

ECG Rhythm Master

Cardiac Confidence FINAL

Cardiac Confidence

Cardiac Articles & Resources

Kati Kleber MSN RN CCRN K headshot square Kati Kleber, MSN, RN

Founder of FreshRN

The founder and educator behind FreshRN® is a nurse educator, author, national speaker, host of the FreshRN Podcast, and owner of FreshRN® – an online platform created to educate, encourage, and motivate newly licensed nurses in innovative ways.