A neuro ICU nurse works with patients in critical care who are suffering from very serious neurological compromise. Let’s outline some specifics.
Neuro Nursing
Left MCA Strokes: What Happens With Strokes Involving the Left Middle Cerebral Artery
The middle cerebral artery (MCA) affects a lot of body functions. Here’s an RN to discuss what happens with left MCA strokes.
The Middle Cerebral Artery – Areas of the brain that supply the MCA
The middle cerebral artery (MCA) is an important part of brain function. An RN goes over the areas of the brain that supply the MCA and what can happen when it’s blocked.
MCA Stroke – What Can Go Wrong with the Middle Cerebral Artery
Wondering what the difference between a regular stroke and an MCA stroke is? Here an RN breaks down what an MCA stroke is and how it impacts patients.
Must-Know Tips For Neuro Nurse Checks
These are the most essential tips you need to know when you do your neuro nurse checks, all told from a nurse who has been there.
Neuro Nurse Assessment – Conscious Head to Toe
Learn how to do a complete neuro nurse assessment. This will teach you everything you need to know, even if you are a new nurse.
Neurological Exam: Level of Consciousness
Neurological Exam: Level of Consciousness. If you’re learning how to do neuro checks, one of the most challenging aspects can be distinguishing level of consciousness. Let’s go through each level of consciousness (LOC) that you’ll see and the main differences between them.
Neuro Assessment: How to Assess An Unconscious Neuro Patient Like a Neuro ICU Nurse
A neuro assessment is a critical skill for any nurse (not just neuro ICU nurses) This goes beyond simple neuro checks. If you’re interested in improving this nursing skill, this article is for yo
Why is My Stroke Patient NPO? What To Do & Why
If you ever receive a stroke patient and they are NPO, this is why that call was made and how you should handle it.
Top Tips for New Neuro Nurses
Working in intensive care is so different from the rest of the hospital. These tips for new neuro nurses will answer all questions.
Nursing Considerations with Brain Death
We discuss the difference between coma and brain death, how brain death is determined, working with an organ procurement team, and general insights related to this sensitive topic.
Talking to Unconscious Patients
Melissa Stafford, BSN RN CCRN SCRN – highly experienced and currently practicing nationally certified neurocritical care nurse. Elizabeth Mills, BSN...