Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner, and Researcher -An Interview with Tamar Rodney

by | Jul 7, 2022 | Podcasts | 0 comments

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Who You’ll Hear

Kati Kleber, MSN RN– Nurse educator, former cardiac med-surg/stepdown and neurocritical care nurse, author, and speaker.

Tamar Rodney

Tamar Rodney, PhD, MSN, RN PMHNP-BC, CNE – Board-certified psychiatric nurse practitioner who has worked in trauma and psychiatry. Her PhD research looked at biomarkers for PTSD in veterans with a traumatic brain injury. Her career goal is to change the way health care professionals approach diagnosis and treatment planning for individuals with mental health needs.

Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner and Researcher An Interview with Tamar Rodney PIN

What You’ll Learn:

  • Tamar Rodney is an assistant professor at the Johns Hopkins school of nursing as well as a board certified nurse practitioner who has worked trauma and psychiatry.
    • She finds biomarkers for PTSD in veterans. 
  • Tamar is the CEO of her nursing license. 
  • She started in a nursing home, then switched to in patient psych, she’s also done outpatient psych, ER, trauma setting for head and neck trauma, and is now in the community setting.  
  • Her favorite has been in patient psych, so you can be there for those that really need you.
    • It can be sad and very hard, but it gives you a different outlook.
    • Progress can be seen quickly, as soon as within hours. 
  • She was terrified of trauma and psych after those rotations.
    • She felt like she hit a roadblock.
    • A professor recommended that she take more psych courses, which helped her see that the more she knew, the more she wanted to know. 
  • Learning more about human behavior helps you realize why we make certain decisions, and the impact it has on your life. 
  • You can’t fix a psych patient!
    • you give them medications and tools and a different outlook so they can live life the best that they can. 
  • In mental health, you want the patient with you as long as they can to make sure that they’re OK.
    • They need to be looked at as a whole person, not just their injury. 
  •  Nursing can be hard and frustrating, but you’re learning so much as you go. 
  • Once you pass your NCLEX it opens a door to so many pathways.
    • You can use your strengths in various areas of nursing.
    • You don’t have to work at the bedside. 
  • Use what brings you joy through your nursing career, don’t just go for a certain specialty because you think it looks better. 
  • You can change lives without ever working with patients.
    • You can save thousands of lives through the research aspect of nursing.
    • You can enact literal change on a global level. 
  • For Tamar, group therapy sessions where someone says “that makes sense” it is the most rewarding feeling. It reminds her that she chose the right career. 
  • So much growth occurs through your career in nursing.
    • Some happens naturally, like promotions.
    • Other times, you see things that you would like to do, and decide to go for other certifications and degrees. 
  • Think of nursing as a platform to do other things.
    • Pay attention to things that really excite you.
    • Give yourself permission to get what you want. 

3 pieces of advice to young Tamar.

  • It’s totally worth it. What your doing is not just for a job, it’s for a career. 
  • Nursing is so much more than a paycheck, “Service to others is the rent we pay to be on this earth.”
  • Yes, you can do it all! You can teach and research and see patients.
  • It’s great to have a fabulous salary while you’re doing what you love and saving lives.
    • While you serve your patients, you should feel confident to ask for what you’re worth. 
  • There should be a higher value financially as well as in how nurses are perceived. 
  • As a nurse, you need to be the advocate and negotiator for all nurses.
    • If you’re skilled in public speaking or feel like you could run for office, you could impact millions and save lives. 

More Resources:

Picture of Kati Kleber, founder of FRESHRN

Hi, I’m Kati.

I'm a nurse educator, author, national speaker, and host of the FreshRN® Podcast. I created FreshRN® – an online platform meant to educate, encourage, and motivate newly licensed nurses in innovative ways.

Connect with me on YouTube, Pinterest, TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook, and sign-up for my free email newsletter for new nurses.


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