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Who You’ll Hear
Kati Kleber, MSN RN– Nurse educator, former cardiac med-surg/stepdown and neurocritical care nurse, author, and speaker.
What You’ll Learn
On Dec 5, 2022, two LPNs in South Carolina were arrested after dressing changes were not performed on two vulnerable adults from Sept. 9-11, 2022, resulting in worsening of their health. In this video, I SBAR the situation, why it may have led to criminal charges, and go over important considerations for nurses.
You can read more about this by checking out this news article. We will try to keep everyone updated on this as more developments unfold.
Are you looking to sharpen your critical thinking skills as a nurse?

Critical Thinking For Nurses from FreshRN is a self-paced, online course that will help you fine-tune this often overlooked, but crucial skill. Critical thinking is a specific way of coming to a decision from an objective and balanced place, rather than taking everything you are told at face value and making a quick decision. Being able to think on this level is imperative for patient safety, and will take you from being a good nurse to an exceptional nurse your colleagues respect and look up to. Join Kati as she shares her practical approach to demystifying this ‘critical’ nursing skill.
Just thinking here, where and how did these wounds occur? Did wounds develop in the LTC facility? Perhaps LTC facility covering their assets…, just maybe? I agree with your assessment, but I have numerous questions about this whole situation.